Introducing: Campaign committee
The Campaign who?!
The students from Nijmegen who’ve been around for a few years are familiar with the phenomenon campaign. Even though content is very important during the campaign we have also noticed that many other elements play a role. Questions such as; ‘what kind of goodies do you have?’ or the very well known ‘who would you do?’ are asked to the cherries on top of AKKUraatd and the people around them.
That’s right. If you have been on our list in the (distant) past then you were a cherry, because there was a very large (sweet) construction underneath you that made it possible to campaign during that period! This cake, which has already been working for six months, is the Campaign committee. The CamCo has the responsibility of walking the standard paths (making schedules, reserving rooms, gather material etc.) and with the search for the new it! During our meetings we structurally skip from one subject to the other. Our homework is to do research into the best (quality vs quantity) goodies and we don’t shy away from various research methods. Pens: are they good?, do they write blue?, or do we rather want black?, are they comfortable to hold?, do they open at the top or the bottom?, is the filling universal?, how many mm is the ball?, do they taste good?, does the handle thingy break of easily?, can you chew on it for more than three classes? These are on sale! SOLD!
Besides this intense material trial we also concern ourselves with the content, because what is a pen without content! (empty). This is why we were already busy with rewriting the election texts. We analysed word usage and readability. We use the time we won’t have later to lay a foundation for the upcoming months. For the Campaign Committee is blessed and cursed with the list. We can’t get started on filling in the schedules, rosters, trainings, posters, flyers and the election programme until we have these people, but on the other hand we are served 15 delicious cherries on top every year.
Do you still have questions about what the CamCo does or how you can help the CamCo, don’t hesitate: go to the baker and get us a delicious cake with cherries on top. So we can keep going on!